Meet Wyatt Gutridge

Wyatt plays Max, son of Katie and Mark Watson and brother of Claire. Max is struggling with Claire’s strange behavior and wants it to stop! I met Wyatt while participating in Director, Mike Gutridge’s arthouse film “Shadows” (release date projected for mid-2020). Unlike his character (Max), Wyatt is very supportive and loving to his sister Claire who has autism. (Claire Gutridge was my inspiration for the character Claire.) Wyatt’s exposure to the industry through father Mike and his natural instincts have prepared him well for his first acting role. I’m confident viewers will find his portrayal of Max very endearing.

Wyatt has Tourette’s Syndrome. After casting him in the role of Max, his parents, Wyatt, and I discussed the possibility of his symptoms manifesting during filming. We decided, should that be the case, I would write it into his character. However, despite the natural pressure involved in filming, Wyatt breezed through the scenes, so there was no need to alter the script.

Tell me a little about yourself

I grew up with the best parents in the world. They are very supportive of everything my siblings and I do. I come from a family of creativity, passion, and non-stopping greatness.

How did you get involved with the film?

My dad directed a movie with Trish called “SHADOWS.” She was inspired to write her own movie. And the first person that came to her mind to play the role of Max was me.

How did you prepare for your role in the film?

I read my lines, practiced how to say them, and followed what the grown-ups said.

What is your favorite scene from the film? Why?

Every scene I’m in because I can see how I did it. It’s great feedback on what I need to work on.

What parts of your character/role could you most relate to personally?

Max has a sister with Autism, and I have a sister with Autism.

What skills improved during your participation in the film?

My personality. How I pursue my character.

Click the following link to purchase your tickets to see Wyatt In Your Afterglow, February 23, 2020.

Published by

Trish McGee

About me

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