Meet Ned

Ned Walsh plays Tom, Leigh’s husband, in a series of flashbacks depicting the turmoil created by Leigh’s visions. Ned is another example of what happens when you recruit local, untapped talent. I had ambitiously scheduled 14 scenes to be filmed in one day at the farmhouse. When Ned arrived, on-time and enthusiastic for his film debut we were behind schedule. I mean really behind schedule. On this particular day mid-July with temperatures somewhere in the 90’s while the crew was dripping with sweat Ned graciously waited patiently for his turn behind the camera.

Ned is a natural and was a delight to work with. His engaging portrayal of Tom will leave viewers wanting more. No doubt.

Tell me a little about yourself.

Born abroad and on the go until age ten when my parents settled into York, PA, my father’s home city. All of my formative development has happened in York where I attended York Catholic High and later studied at Penn State. After University I was an officer in the Marine Corps and after service, I moved back to York, where I have been ever since. I began a family and my professional career has always afforded me the chance to stay, for which I am grateful.

What was your favorite experience working on In Your Afterglow?

Filming. I enjoyed the prep and script, living the character in the scenes of the film was a great thrill. Working with the cast and crew of a very cohesive group was an amazing experience.

What skills improved during your participation in the film?

Awareness of self and expression, vocally and physically.

What other projects have you work on?

Balthazar the wise man 4th grade Nativity pageant. Nominated but never appreciated.

How did you prepare for your role?

Working through the scenes with my producer/writer/creator/everything. Understanding what the characters are experiencing and why they react to their cues as their characters would.

What parts of your character/role could you most relate to personally?

Well, my character Tom was a married, working man so my previous experience lent its self readily.

What was your biggest challenge working on the film?

Wanting more…

Click the following link to see Ned in the Official Trailer for In Your Afterglow.

Click on the link below to purchase your tickets to see Ned in the Premiere of In Your Afterglow.

Meet Rich Henkels

Rich plays the role of Alan the gardener. A dedicated and consummate professional, Rich brought more than just his acting skills to the set. I found myself seeking his advice on a number of issues during filming – he was a great sounding board. His portrayal of Alan is spot on and his humor on set kept us all smiling.

Tell me a little about yourself

One of twelve kids, I am the product of two parents whose energy and commitment was/is boundless. As a result, I find myself grounded as an adult, comfortable in my own skin and very aware of what is really important in life. That includes my two sons, my family, my girlfriend and my true passions, acting and performing among them. I spent 15 years as a a TV Sportscaster, winning an Emmy and interviewing some fascinating people in the process, then landed in corporate America where I was successful, but not fulfilled. A fantastic and important realization. My kids provide me with constant inspiration, as do the people I meet through this third career.

How did you get involved in the film?

Constantly submitting to various online casting services, I was lucky to have been “discovered” by Trish McGee who called me about playing the role of Alan. Trish and I met at a coffee shop midway between York and my home in Lansdale, PA and read some scenes together. A “table read for two,” it cemented my instincts that this was a fantastic role for me and a wonderful script. Fortunately, Trish was equally interested in my being in the film, so I booked the part.

What skills improved during your participation in the film?

Memorization and active listening! This film is all about relationships and the script is more than just a series of lines between people in each scene. The thoughts behind each and every line drove the exchanges, thus getting the text down was essential. What was confirmed, however, is what both of my acting coaches preach all the time: focus on the thoughts and the story and the lines will come in time. Credit to Bryan Fox at the Philly Actors Lab and Melonie Mack at MMAS for that.

How did you prepare for this role?

Alan was a very appropriate role for me. Preparing for it got down to fully recognizing what part of me was consistent with the character. In the weeks leading up to filming, I found myriad similarities between who I am and who this character is, thus bringing those similarities out was the key. Alan has been jarred by some elements of his life, and he’s come to terms with them, and decided to be true to himself, which allows him to be available for others. I felt an extremely similar connection with Leigh/Trish and made the most of that to prepare for the film. This role called for me to be thoughtful, caring and present. Practicing THAT was a gift to my real life as well!

What is your favorite scene from the movie and why?

I love the scene(s) walking along the rail trail talking with Leigh and sitting on benches getting to know one another. For me (and my character) that is when clarity was achieved. The threads of this story, the paranormal, the gifts associated with those residing somewhere along the autism spectrum, and the connectedness of people in general become untangled as Alan realizes he and Leigh have a connection he had not expected. Director Mike Gutridge and Trish McGee invited me to play these scenes in a manner honest with my understanding of the role and reflecting the internal search in which he is embroiled.

What was your biggest challenge when working on the film?

My only challenge with this role was allowing myself to plug as much of myself into it as appropriate. While I felt in my soul that Alan and Rich are very similar, as an actor I felt as though I needed to find a reason to “act,” i.e. seek some aspect of the character that was beyond me or outside of me. The truth is, much of what viewers will see is indeed me, which is why I think Trish McGee cast me for this role.

What other projects have you worked on?

I’ve worked on several films having to do with the paranormal and spiritual worlds, namely The Opening and Masters of Ascension, written and produced by Carona Diop-Davis. I’ve also enjoyed work on short films produced by filmmakers in New York and Philly, namely Unemployed by Jordan Sarf, and Concerned Citizens by John DeStefano. This spring, Sno-Babies, a eye-opening depiction of opioid/heroin addiction in the suburbs will be released. I was honored to play the father of one of the lead characters. Other projects included Designated Driver and Maharshi, a film produced in India, with parts shot in a NYC board room, 45 stories above the streets of Manhattan. Much of my experience has been commercial, including currently running national and regional ads for financial services, residential living, apparel, health food, mental health care services and home improvement companies. The beauty of this business is the daily variety!

What’s next for you?

I’ve recently been cast in a feature film called The Mantle, shooting this winter/spring. I play a role very close to my heart and consistent with my brand, a Newscaster. 2020 opens with a commitment to classes and pursuit of more film and TV roles through engagement with Casting Directors up and down the east coast. Commercial work tends to keep the wheels of my career moving. Film and TV ambition drives me forward.

Click the following link to purchase your tickets to see Caroline In Your Afterglow, February 23, 2020.